94 referees attended this
meeting/banquet held at West Nashville Cumberland Presbyterian
We would like to thank Sarah-Ann for putting the banquet together and all the
work she did to make it a successful night.
We would also like to thank Daryl Pater and Stephen Speer for the
entertainment. Shout out to the Bell and Baer family for winning Family Feud.
We would also like to thank those that helped with manning the guest table,
serving the food, and cleaning up afterwards!!!!!
5, 10, 15 year TSSAA membership awards were handed out
New Referee of the Year: Jodi Hitchell
Referee of the Year: Lucy Bell
Tony Sheets -
Gave treasurer report:
The current balance for MTSOA is $2,363.63.
Recent expenditures.
$1,492.60 Banquet Food
$ 365.07 Banquet Decor
$ 117.38 Awards, ROY & NROY & Paul's thank you plaque.
$ 37.68 Website hosting for MTSOA
Please remember to pay your dues for this year
Coz Minetos -
1. Update your arbiter schedules when you know you won't be able to do a
2. There will be a lot of games being moved or altered once coaches actually
look at their schedules and realize they haven't let me know. So please
understand this will happen over the next few weeks.
3. Pictures uploaded to your arbiter are requirements to get games so please do
this asap if you don't have one. If you already have games and don't
have one it still means you will need one or you jeopardize losing the assignments.
Please have the pictures looking professional for the coaches to see.
4. I have been notified by several officials that the fees are not right on
games they are on. If you have one with either no fee or a wrong fee please
email me with game number and I'll fix them. Varsity fees are $70.00
each referee for 2 refs and $70.00,$60,$60 for 3. JV is $60.00 each
referee for 30 minutes and $70.00 for anything over 30 minute halves.
Same with middle school.
5. I will be getting the Parochial League (Catholic) schedule soon so that will
be a lot of additional games. They are 7th-8th graders.
The games are mostly early starts around 330-400pm.
6. Uniforms. We are not requiring you to purchase the new style USSF
uniforms. If you already have them that is fine. TSSAA only requires us
to look the same. So wear the same jersey. The Association's
primary colors are Green and Gold, so please make sure you have at a minimum
those two colors. Three strip socks are acceptable but you may also wear the
USSF 2 stripe as long as the crew is matching.
Make sure you do a game report for every game if you are the lead ref. Reports
should include: cautions and ejections (players names, numbers and team), any
issue with coaches or fans, any time you ask for the game administrators
assistance, and any other unusual occurrence. Remember to also go to TSSAA.org
and file the proper paperwork as well.
E-mail the crew and coaches at least 48 hours in advance to make sure that the
time and the location is correct because they do not always update Coz on any
changes. ARs, if you have not heard from the center official, AR1 please e-mail
the crew and coach and BCC me on the e-mail please. Please use e-mail for the
form of contact to the coaches so there is a paper trail. That way we can
assist you with any payment problems with weather, cancellations or changes
made without notifying Coz.
Also know that the attendance requirement of 3 TSSAA meetings (to remain in
good standing) is per school year where the dues are per calendar year.
The current season's attendance is available on the website.
MTSOA Spring 2017 Meeting Dates at Hunters Lane High School - Room
3/20/17 and 4/17/17 with Start time at 6:00 PM
* Please note the change in start time is earlier than normal per the school's
request for the custodians to be able to finish earlier as well.